

发布时间: 2024-05-16 00:29:27北京青年报社官方账号



成都鲜红斑痣哪个医院好些成都 下肢静脉曲张,成都资料精索静脉曲张的医院,成都那个医院治疗雷诺氏综合症,成都血管瘤什么科,成都前列腺肥大哪家医院治疗的好,成都CDY靶向超导系统治疗前列腺肥大,成都下肢动脉硬化的专科医院


As the international and regional situations keep evolving, our two parties and countries face many identical or similar new problems and challenges. China has a saying, "Adversity makes one stronger, just as polishing makes jade finer." A Vietnamese saying says, "Do not put down your oar just because the waves run high." As good neighbors, friends, comrades and partners whose future is closely interconnected, we need to uphold and further grow our relations, support each other in our endeavors for stability, reform and people's livelihood, jointly advance the cause of socialism and promote regional peace, stability, openness and development. Here, I wish to share with you the following thoughts:


As the virus hits more countries around the world, China is doing everything it can to help those in need. We take BRICS countries as our important partners. In spite of substantial demand at home and growing pressures to meet foreign orders, China has provided a large amount of medical supplies to fellow BRICS countries, and facilitated the purchase of such supplies through commercial channels.


As the world's first- and second-largest economies, the two countries should shoulder responsibility for the people of both countries as well as in other countries, he said.


As the ecosystem improves in Nyingchi city, Tibet autonomous region, many villages have become more prosperous as a result of the local government's preferential policies for the development of tourism.


As the majority of trade between China and countries along the Belt and Road is primarily with nations in Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Western Europe, there is considerable room for trade growth with other areas, according to Sun.


